Heutagogy is Everywhere
Left image: How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive: A Manual of Step by Step Procedures for the Complete Idiot by John Muir (1971). Source: Amazon.com 1. Observation This ID begins with an observation. Heutagogy is everywhere. I think what we call self-directed learning, otherwise known as D.I.Y., has been around a lot longer than our […]
What is the Present?
Those who are truly contemporary, who truly belong to their time, are those who neither perfectly coincide with it nor adjust themselves to its demands. They are thus in this sense irrelevant. But precisely because of this condition, precisely through their disconnection and this anachronism, they are more capable than others of perceiving and grasping […]
Making Instructional Videos with LumaFusion
1. Making instructional videos In this instructional demo, I’ll be writing about my experiences designing media rich online learning environments for adults using LumaTouch’s video editing app, LumaFusion. LumaFusion is a full feature video editing app for the iPadPro and iPhone. That means that just about anyone can record, edit, assemble, and upload instructional videos quickly, all […]